Режиссер про фильм:
Two Englishmen and three Germans. They are all at war and they are all killers. Partly driven by their own attitudes, and partly by the mechanisms of war, they acknowledge that other laws prevail. In this view both parties are “heroes” and “villains.” They have shot one another down.
COMRADE is based on true events, where the result was friendship between
I see COMRADE as an anti-war movie, this time with a German officer as the
main character and hero. It’s an anti-war movie because, on the one hand, it
shows that human beings are similar if they only get a chance to show it. On the other hand, we can see that the mechanisms and conceptions of war have the ability to destroy what human beings are able to build together.
What fascinates me about this story is the simplicity of it. The enemy image is simple and clear, and concludes with one concise reality: they need each other.
Even though COMRADE has true events as its foundation, we have had to take certain dramatic liberties. This enabled us to develop the narrative, and create contrasts and events that expand the nuances of this already complex and interesting story.
We wish to use nature as an aid and enemy. Nature is where the characters can find food, where they can experience starry skies and greatness. It’s also where they risk finding their grave if they don’t kill one another first. But nature shall also be a partner which makes them understand how small and vulnerable they are, and what a waste it is to fight against each other under such circumstances.
Humor and absurdity will be important elements in this film. My wish is to
illuminate how unnecessary, and sometimes ridiculous, asserted contradictions are.
I want to show, up close, that these are human beings, for better or for worse, on both sides of “right and wrong”. We have our MAX MANUS, and we cherish these images of our heroes. In this film, heroism is just as important but played in a different key and seen from our standpoint. It’s about seeing the person behind enemy lines and behind the ideologies.
- Petter Næss
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